Welcome to the ARhAyas Productions AMCC-MCEO Website and Online Store.
Here you will find a selection of products to further your education of the Tan-Tri-Ahura™ series teachings. These teachings focus on spiritual growth, self-actualization and reclamation of our birth right of Eternal Life Ascension, utilizing AMCC-MCEO plasma technologies and sacred information stored on the KU’mA-yah Alhumbhra Crystal Discs, as translated by AMCC-MCEO Speaker-1 E’Asha Ashayana. 

Link: AMCC-MCEO AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils of Cosminyahas official egroup

The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings and related technologies are offered for theoretical exploration only; not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any illness, ailment or affliction.


Please Note: The office is undergoing relocation.
New orders that require shipping will resume by March, all digital orders are available for purchase.

The live-streams are still on-going during this time.