Newcomers & Beginners Recommendations

Newcomers often ask for recommendations on the order in which workshops and techniques should be completed.


We understand there is much choice due to the depth and breadth of materials. Below is the recommended order that the Guardians and E’Asha have laid out:



    1. Read the Guardian and E’Asha Update Postings on the ARhAyas website:




    1. Begin daily practice of the free techniques on the ARhAyas website:


    a) Daily "The EFFI Prayer & LTR Power Grid":


    b) Daily “ArhAyas Productions New Prayer Sequence






    1. Complete free techniques from ARhAyas:


    a) Aug 8, 2016 - "The TRIUMPH of Triumphs Quick-Link EarthCync™ Technique" -


    b) Complete remaining free techniques from the ARhAyas website in chronological order







    1. Read Voyagers - The Secrets of Amenti - Volume 2 - 2nd Edition.


    Printed and digital versions available here: Voyagers - The Secrets of Amenti - Volume 2 - 2nd Edition




    1. Complete the KDDL (Keylontic Discourses for Daily Living) Series of workshops.

      These workshops introduce the latest Plasma level Frequency Technologies that allow us to EarthCync with the planet on its current ascension path.

      Anchoring the plasma frequencies in ones field constitutes an important part of healing and activation at this time. We recommend completing the KDDL workshops in order:


      a) Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - Element-1 Workshop DVD Set

    b) Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - 2 (KDDL2) Workshop DVD Set








    1. Register to watch the latest 2022 KDDL3 Livestream from E’Asha.

      The Keylontic™ Discourses for Daily Living - 3 (KDDL3) Workshop is still on-going in a livestream format. All previous presentations as part of KDDL3 are available 24x7 as replays.


    Livestream link:








    1. Watch the EFFI-Project 1 - May 2012 DVD Workshop - The Cosmos IS Watching & Always Will Be: The Dance of Lila, the Pillar of Peace & the Bridge Across Forever








    1. Watch the TTA DVD Series (Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings – Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry) in chronological order:


    TTA1 - Aug 2012 - Treasures of the Tan-Tri-Ahura; Gate-Walkers, Wave-Runners & Star-Riders of the Krystal River Host


    TTA2 - October 2012 - Call of the RhAyas and the AL-Hum-Bhra Cathedral Network of Peru


    TTA3 - Dec 2012 - Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment: The Dance of ARhAyas, RAI Talisman Codes, Krystal Spire of AL-Hum-Bhra & Aurora Ascension Earth - Stand 7


    TTA4 - April 2013 - The E-LAi-sa Awakening: The Indelible Kryst Code & Chismatic Self-Healing Level-1


    TTA5 - May 2013 - The Waters of E-LAi-sa: Tan-Tri-A'Ra™ Chismatic Self-Healing Level-2 -The E-LAi-sian Seal and the 8-Step E-LAi-sian Encoding Process


    TTA6 - August 2013 - Introduction to "ShiftMasters™, HostMasters™ & the EarthCYNC™ Celebration"


    TTA7 - December 2013 - ShiftMasters Course 1: Secrets of the EFFI: The Hidden Powers of Consciousness, Concave & Convex Reality "Cave-Dwellers", The Ancient Ancestral Code & the "Cloak of ARi-Yon' ah"


    TTA8 - April 2014 - Let's Get Brave & Be Happy! The Drommemestere Awakening. Integral Bridge Plasmantiks, Dream-Wave Up-Shift, Quest of A-RHi'-yah & the Vision-Mission of the Krystal River Host


    TTA9 - August 2014 - Introduction to Tan-Tri-A’Ra -The Art of Bio-Spiritual Self-Healing™-ShiftMasters™- Course-2 Intro - Proga™, “Ahura-gami” & the Paragon Complex - The “Sounds of Light, Music on the Air & the Joyful Dance of Atoms”