Free Techniques

It is recommended that the below techniques are completed in chronological order before completing any other journeys or workshops.

Feb 14th, 2019 - "The EFFI Prayer & LTR Power Grid"

Aug 8, 2016 - "The TRIUMPH of Triumphs Quick-Link EarthCync™ Technique" (PDF)
(Associated free code versions can be found at the bottom of the poster pages HERE & HERE)

May 12, 2015 "Journey to the Eff-i-yah State - EarthCync™ Free Link-in Parts 1-5" (AUDIO - MP3)
May 12, 2015
"Journey to the Eff-i-yah State - EarthCync™ Free Link-in Parts 1-5" (PDF)

January 3, 2013 "Journey to ARhAyas Island" (MP3)
(Recommendation: Read E'Asha's "13 Days of Kryst-Mass Posting before above journey)

August 20, 2012 "Journey to the ARI-ARhAYas AL-Uma-Un-Core of the Krystar Seed Atom" (MP3)
(Journey is part of the August 2012 DVD Workshop)

First - ARhAyas Productions - New Prayer Sequence (PDF) - Includes Norwegian Versions